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Folding tents - perfect partner

Date:2017-06-16  Source:广州朝力帐篷有限公司  Reading(1843)
    Trade folding professionals at the meeting will cause customers to pay more attention. You will have a convincing presence with our custom folding tents.
     Our folding tents are ideal partners for various trade folds. They can be fully assembled in just 60 seconds without the need for professionals or any tools. So you have more time to take care of your customers. Like all of our folding tents, our tents can reach 100% waterproof, fireproof and the best quality. You can choose the size and color according to the company's request.

    Ad successful
     We use a separate folding tent to help you attract attention and increase your visibility. Folding tents are well suited for advertising media. Our internal graphics and printing department will work with you to provide you with realistic images of your folding tents with your logo, text and photos. Because of our internal graphics and printing departments, even small prints or individual solutions will not cause any problems.

    Quality, can be seen to force folding tents are the best quality to ensure the existence of the company. In addition to stability, the quality of the assembly and disassembly is also obvious: our folding tents can always be assembled and disassembled, without any problems, no restraint mechanism, even after the transaction.
     We recommend a brand of folding tents in the performance of the show's success. Since we combine personality and quality together.
The folded tent has the following dimensions:
Folding tent 3x3 meters
Folding tent 4.5x3 meters
Folding tent 6x3 meters
Folding tent 4x4 meters
Folding tent 6x4 meters
Folding tent 8x4 m
Folding tent 5x5 meters
Folding tent 4x2 meters
Folding tent 3x2 meters
Folding tent 3x1.5 meters
Folding tent 2x2 meters
Folding tent 1.5x1.5 meters

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